Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Definition of an Activated Complex in Chemistry

An activated complex is an intermediate state that is formed during the conversion of reactants into products. An activated complex is the structure that results in the maximum energy point along the reaction path. The activation energy of a chemical reaction is the difference between the energy of the activated complex and the energy of the reactants. How an Activated Complex Works Consider a chemical reaction between reactants A and B to form products C and D. The reactants must collide with each other and interact in order to form the products. Several factors improve the chances that A and B will encounter each other, including increased temperature, increased concentration of reactants, or adding a catalyst. In a reaction with an activated complex, A and B form the complex A-B. The complex only forms if sufficient energy (the activation energy) is present. The energy of the activated complex is higher than that of either the reactants or products, which makes the activated complex unstable and temporary. If there isnt enough energy for the activated complex to form the products, it eventually breaks apart into the reactants. If enough energy is available, the products form. Activated Complex Versus Transition State Some textbooks use the terms transition state and activated complex interchangeably, but they mean different things. The transition state refers only to the highest potential energy of the atoms participating in a chemical reaction. The activated complex covers a range of atom configurations that atoms form on their way from reactant to products. In other words, the transition state is the one molecular configuration that occurs at the peak of the energy diagram of the reaction. The activated complex may be present at any point near the transition state.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X Comparison Essay - 640 Words

Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X Comparison Essay Nneoma Okeoma Sept. 28, 2011 2a Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X Comparison Essay Draft 1 Can one think undergoing suffrage of unjust slavery and being held in a penitentiary be compared? In the excerpt of Frederick Douglass (Learning to Read and Write) and in Malcolm X (Learning to Read): both dealt with the oppression that the white race as brought to them. Douglass lists the ways which he learns how to read and write. He discusses how everyone is vulnerable to corruption under slavery. In the excerpt of Malcolm he tells the reader how he first started reading and he describes how the white man has always had the upper-hand when it comes to non-white people. Frederick†¦show more content†¦Douglass would ask the whites boys and cram in private. Malcolm X uses cause and effect learning process because he wanted to emulate, and then surpass his acquaintance Bimbi. In result he received the motivation to do so. Frederick uses exemplification on the other hand to describe those injustices that occur in his time of slavery. Both uses of organization were very m uch similar on how they went about gaining their education. The subject matter of both excerpts can be easily compared. It seems like Malcolm X went through a lesser version of what Frederick went through. Both writers access to a sense of freedom when they began learning how to read and write. It is obvious that Malcolm would spend a portion of his excerpt talking about the time he spent in jail while Douglass would talk about the burdens of slavery. Learning how to read and write was like a forbidden apple to both writers. So getting that first bite opened their eyes to all the things around them that the whites tried to conceal. Frederick Douglass had spent his early years in slavery and the harsh conditions of slavery cannot in be compared to jail, where everyone (black or white) is treated like a criminal. Both writers, Malcolm X and Frederick Douglass both use similar yet different subject matters in their excerpts. Malcolm X and Frederick Douglass both used elements of style in Learning How to Read and Write and Learning how to Read that could be compared and contrasted. ThisShow MoreRelatedThe History of African-Americans to Attain Equality and Civil Rights2623 Words   |  11 Pages(Carson, 1993, p. 7). Civil Rights A Definition In simple words, civil rights are the rights that the inhabitants of a nation/country have by law. This term cant be compared with the political rights due to its broader meaning. It also has no comparison with natural rights because civil rights enjoy both legal and philosophical basis. As far as the United States of America is concerned, there the civil rights are usually regarded as specific rights guaranteed in the Constitution: freedom of religionRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesPHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 www.temple.edu/tempress Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.—(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Defining Marriage Free Essays

Defining Marriage Words are a part of everyday life. Without them people would have a very hard time conveying a message or showing their feelings to the people around them. Words also provide the groundwork on how we interpret what is expectable and what is not. We will write a custom essay sample on Defining Marriage or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although only eight letters, the word marriage carries a lot of meaning for millions of people across the world. Depending on who ask, they might also have a definition of what they think marriage means. I myself define a marriage as a formal relationship between a man and a woman that last until death. The Merriam Webster dictionary on the other hand would define marriage as â€Å"the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband and wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. † On the other hand, thousands of men and women are set out to redefine marriage to also include same sex relationships as well. For myself and I’m sure millions of others across the world they do not think that a simple definition can confine someone from living in a regular recognized marriage like everyone else. How we define a particular word can have lasting effects and for the gay and lesbian community restricting them from the same basic rights that everyday couples take advantage of. In this exploratory essay I am dedicated to exploring the contested term â€Å"marriage† between the gay and lesbian community and many other people that have their own definition of marriage as well. Because the age we live in now, the commonly accepted definition of marriage between a man and a woman is keeping tens of thousands of same-sex couples by being federally recognized in a union. So what is marriage and why does it matter how people define it? I first started with Peter Pothan who wrote an article called â€Å"The Christian Concept of Marriage†. Pothan is a theological teacher and is currently the Assistant Director of the Distance Learning Department of Southern Asia Bible College in Bangalore. He wastes no time clearly stating that he gets the definition of marriage from the bible. By referencing different parts of the Bible he is able to define what a Christian Marriage is and additional context as well. The first section that he references from the Bible is in Genesis 2:24. It states, â€Å"Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh. † By this Pathan concludes that a Marriage is between one man and one woman. Although he breaks the verse down into four parts, for this exploratory essay I want to focus the marriage portion on which I am better trying to understand. During Gods initial creation he only created one wife for Adam. Pothan uses this as a backbone that it is not only a relationship between a man and a woman, but it is also a monogamous relationship that must be maintained as well. Additionally, he uses biblical context to further go to say that marriage is only permanent as long as life last. Overall, Peter Pothan does not try to impose this Christian definition of marriage onto anyone, but merely uses evidence from the Bible to extract the definition of marriage. Several times during the article he consistently uses the Christian definition of marriage evoking that he is clearly not trying to impose a singular definition for the word. As a Christian myself I did find how he defined marriage very persuasive. He put very little opinion into interpreting what the Bible was saying and just tried to state the facts. I feel that most Christians would have a hard time disagreeing with what Pothan has to say. I also like he was not trying to impose the definition on anyone. Several times throughout the article he consistently use â€Å"Christian Marriage†. By this I felt that he clearly recognized that there is a dispute between what the definition of marriage truly is. On the other hand, I can also see one big hole is this definition. Although the Bible is very widely used and accepted across the world not everyone is a Christian. Many of those who are not of the Christians faith can easily discredit this definition. Just like many words over time they can slowly evolve and continue to mean more things. It would only make sense to some that the definition of marriage would do the same as well. Many gays and lesbians would also clearly have a hard time accepting this as a definition of marriage. To them this would imply that they are not capable of leaving their mothers and fathers and cleaving to their partner. Overall, I am still very much caught in the crossfire of what marriage should or should not include. By going with the Christian definition of marriage I am essentially supporting the idea of taking away freedoms that many same-sex couple are not able to enjoy like regular couples. This I have a hard time accepting. My next article, â€Å"GOP’s Rob Portman announces support for same-sex marriage† by Matthew DeLuca is on the opposite end of the spectrum when it views the definition of marriage. Matthey Deluca, a writer for NBC News writes about Rob Portman’s view on marriage. The Ohio Senator Portman’s once hard stance that marriage is defined as a between a man and a women now has a change of views. At one point he even supported the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, which limits marriage specifically to one man and one woman. In this article, the Ohio Senator states that â€Å"I have come to believe that if two people are prepared to make a lifetime commitment to love and care for each other in good times and in bad, the government shouldn’t deny them the opportunity to get married. † He describes his change of views based on his 21-year-old son. In a talk with his son in 2011, his son, Will, told his father that he was gay. Portman not only said that his change of heart was due to his son, but also his Christian faith. He says the message of love and compassion from the Bible is also what swayed him to change his mind on this particular issue. This article shows how the definition of marriage can be based on equal rights that many feel everyone should have. As a result, the definition of marriage would have to be extended. Looking at this article, I feel somewhat drawn into Senator Portman’s view of marriage and how the definition should evolve to reflect the culture of America. It is more than just about a definition, but a way to make everyone equal under the law. With the way marriage is right now that is not possible. Same-sex couples that want to take the next step to a recognized marriage are not given the same rights that others couples receive. Portman, a Christian like myself, did choose to take a different angle on how he looks at the Bible. That just goes to show that there are people that are Christians that also support same-sex marriages and essentially want to change the definition of marriage to reflect a greater assortment of couples wanted to seek a civil union. Although I do understand where Senator is coming from I can’t say I fully agree that you can just change the definition of a word because of personal experience that was experienced. My last source I chose was an article called â€Å"Same-Sex Marriage and Equality† by Reginald William. This scholarly source was published on December 21, 2010. Williams is an affiliate of Bakersfield College that contests the views that many have that same-sex marriage is not an equal rights issue. I came across this article using the University of Oklahoma online library. William talks about several individuals and their views in particular that same-sex marriage is a not an equality issue. He describes that many claim this because both heterosexuals and homosexuals are not allowed to get married to the same gender. They are on the other hand â€Å"both† allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Williams describes this idea as a basis for many that say this is not an equality issue. William on the other hand disagrees and fully thinks this is still very much about the lack of equality and supports same-sex marriage. Throughout his article he goes into painstaking detail to support his claim. In short, he says although the same rights are available to everyone, the rights available are only truly for heterosexuals couples. Although his claim is somewhat hard to grasp, I feel he overall makes some very important points that support the fact that there is a lack a social equality for same-sex couples. The question that is of real concern though is should this constitute us to redefine the term marriage so that same-sex couples can get married and be federally recognized. I have definitely learned that the definition of marriage matters greatly to the people you ask and it is more than a word that is used in a sentence. It not only has a strong definition that lasted through time, but as of right now is keeping many same-sex couples from being able to be apart of a civil union recognized by our government. Reviewing all of these sources and really letting the point the writers have sink in has made me consider many thoughts that I have not considered before. Although I do strongly believe that the definition of marriage should not change, I do feel that the people affected by the definition of marriage, such as same-sex couples, should have the same rights as a regular marriage if they choose. To me this is not about definitions at all by equal rights. Although I am sure many same-sex couples would like to be included in the definition of marriage, what they really want is to have the same benefits in their relationship as a heterosexual couple does. Even though many states have already started this journey for same-sex couples they are still far from putting them on the same playing field as a traditional definition of marriage and the rights they receive at the federal level. Work Cited Williams, Reginald. â€Å"Same-Sex Marriage and Equality. † Ethical Theory and Moral Practice14. 5 (2011): 589-95. Web. DeLuca, Matthew. â€Å"GOP’s Rob Portman Announces Support for Same-sex Marriage. † NBCNews. N. p. , 15 Mar. 2013. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. Pothan, Peters S. â€Å"The Christian Concept of Marriage. † 2miles. org. N. p. , Sept. 2009. Web. 21Mar. 2013. How to cite Defining Marriage, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Rabies Essay Example For Students

Rabies Essay RabiesRabies is an infectious disease of animals which is a member of a group ofviruses constituting the family Rhabdoviridae. The virus particle is covered ina fatty membrane, is bullet-shaped, 70 by 180 nanometres and contains a singlehelical strand of ribonucleic acid (RNA). Although rabies is usually spread among domestic dogs and wild carnivorousanimals, all warm-blooded animals are susceptible to infection. The virus isoften present in the salivary glands of infected animals, referred to as rabid,and is excreted in the saliva. The bite of the infected animal easilyintroduces the virus into a fresh wound. In humans, rabies is not usually spreadfrom man to man, rather the majority of infections occur from rabid dogs. Aftera person has been inoculated, the virus enters small nerve ends around the siteof the bite, and slowly travels up the nerve to reach the central nervous system(CNS) where it reproduces itself, and will then travel down nerves to thesalivary glands and replicate further. The time it takes to do this depends onthe length of the nerve it must travel a bite on the foot will have a muchlengthier incubation period than a facial bite would. This period may last fromtwo weeks to six months, and often the original wound will have healed and be enforgotten by the time symptoms begin to occur. Symptoms in humans present themselves in one of two forms: furious rabies, or dumb rabies. The former is called such because of the severe nature and rangeof the symptoms. The virus, upon reaching the CNS will present the person withheadache, fever, irritability, restlessness and anxiety. Progression may occuron to muscle pains, excessive salivation, and vomiting. After a few days or upto a week the person may go through a stage of excitement, and be afflicted withpainful muscle spasms which are sometimes set off by swallowing of saliva orwater. Because of this the afflicted will drool and learn to fear water, whichis why rabies in humans was sometimes called Hydrophobia. The patients are alsoextremely sensitive to air or drafts blown on their face. The stage lasts onlyfews days before the onset of a coma, then death. Dumb rabies begins similarlyto furious rabies, but instead of symptoms progressing to excitement, a steadyretreat and quiet downhill state occurs. This may be accompani ed with paralysisbefore death. Rabies diagnosis in this type of cases can be missed. Unfortunately with both furious and dumb rabies, once the disease has taken holdclinically, rapid and relentless progression to invariable death occurs despiteall known treatments. Treatment for the recently infected would include washing the wound with soap,detergent, and water. Then an anti-rabies serum can be administered to humans. Alternative to the serum, an effective and intensive treatment after infectioncan be obtained through the use of a killed virus vaccine, because of theunusually long incubation period. The vaccine, a Human Diploid Cell Vaccine(HDCV) is grown in human fibroblasts (the principal nonmotile cells ofconnective tissue) and is quite safe for human use. When used, the vaccine diddramatically cut the rabies death toll. Previous killed virus vaccines, whichhad been made from infected neural tissue, were not completely effective atimmunisation and had caused adverse side effects. Since contact with wild animals is the main source of infection for humans andtheir pets, avoidance of any direct contact with these animals reduces the riskof being bitten quite dramatically. Raccoons that are wandering in the daylighthours, or any animal that seems friendly should be avoided as well. Otherhigh-risk animals include skunks, foxes, jackals, wolves, as well as an oddassociation with bats. .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba , .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba .postImageUrl , .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba , .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba:hover , .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba:visited , .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba:active { border:0!important; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba:active , .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u44fa7f1df8a0dbdeaba52b82166195ba:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Nelson Mandela Essay

Friday, November 29, 2019

Learn How to Write a Synthesis Essay

A similar approach to a synthesis essay would be a compare and contrast piece where the subjects are laid out clearly and dissected into similarities and differences. A synthesis essay takes a different avenue - solidifying a position and defending it by providing, interpreting and incorporating legitimate sources. The whole point of this type of writing is to practice the ability to retain a confident grip on a set of ideals based on researched or provided facts. What is a Synthesis Essay: Definition, Approach First things first, what does synthesis mean? Synthesis revolves around working with a mix of elements or ideas and implementing them into one whole. Within this context, you probably got an assignment that involves several texts, and the aim is to dissect them. Synthesis usually requires a thesis, an idea that the essay bases on to get the point across. Playing with this idea is instrumental to college success. How to Start Writing: Topics List and Thesis Choosing a Topic Picking a good topic is essential to write a reasoned paper. Like a research paper, a topic cannot be too vague or too specific. There must be enough room for discussion. If it is too broad, forming a compelling argument could prove challenging. If it is too specific, there would not be sufficient breathing room. Topics that incite a disagreement are usually quite compelling because there is no right or wrong answer. Synthesis essay topic examples include, but are not limited to: Good Topic Suggestions Abortion There are quite a few approaches to this issue. You could discuss its ethical approach, its juridical viewpoint (Its legality and parallel to murder) among others. Get creative with it. War War is a sensitive topic, thus its effectiveness. The economic approach of armed conflict could be an argument for, but its disregard for innocent lives could be a con. Globalization What is globalization? Businesses try to develop international influence and thus infiltrate international markets. You could discuss its macro and microeconomic impact from the perspective of the international firm or a small domestic company that tries to compete on that level. Alcoholism (Addiction) / Depression The reason these two are tied is that it is perceived that one is a cause for the other. Further research about the issue may lead to a compelling argument and plenty of information to cite. Literature / Art Any creative output is bound to force multiple perspectives. Different interpretations are a great way of comparing, contrasting and perhaps settling on a conclusion. Eugenics Apart from being a cool word, it is also a fascinating concept. While it could be a tool to eradicate disease, meddling with the natural progression is a valid counterargument. Minimum Wage The debate over minimum wage is a huge issue within many governments. The right offers its abolishment, while the left calls for its increase. Exploring this concept provides much economic insight into the problem. Bad Topic Samples Global Warming This could have been a good topic a few years ago, but nowadays it is overused and has way too much evidence from one side; this limits the scope of research and the formulation of a strong argument. Death Penalty Also a commonly used topic, its application in a mostly democratic world is questionable. That could have been a good approach to writing that type of paper a while ago, but the worldwide consensus on such a matter shows its ineffectiveness to spark a conversation. Video Games Upon further research, video games in modern culture do not correlate with violence. It could be interesting to delve into it, but it would not be extensive. Volunteering Self-explanatory. Volunteering is mostly positive, apart from a few exceptions. How to Write a Thesis The thesis is the most important building block of your essay. It structures a claim and shows the most important points. A thesis is written after a thorough examination of sources and is supposed to establish a position that you are taking. An example of a thesis statement would look something like this: Minimum wage should be abolished because a perfect capitalist system allows the market to decide how much a good or a service is worth and employers need to compete for employees as much as they need to compete for profit. How to Write an Outline Before you scurry off to write your bombastic, controversial point of view, you need to plan. Make sure you have a particular approach to an outline. An outline will help maintain the synthesis essay structure. Suppose you came up with your thesis statement already, and you have done enough research to solidify your claim. If the thesis statement has three parts, for example, divide the outline into three sections. Make sure that every part of the thesis proves the central claim. This type of generalization must be underlined in your essay as much as possible to make your case stronger. Be familiar with all of your sources and make sure you can analyze them, rather than summarize. Synthesis Essay Outline Example Introduction Provide Context within the field of study Personal Anecdote (optional, but welcome) Thesis (Minimum wage should be abolished because†¦) Point 1 (functions of a capitalist economy and its market) Point 2 (perfect competition) Point 3 (Employee performance = Their revenue) Body Point 1 expanded Evidence (Best if accompanied by a source or quote, the more sources you use, the more credible your writing will seem) In-depth evidence analysis Point 2 expanded Evidence Analysis Point 3 Evidence Analysis Counterargument (if applicable) Conclusion Restate main points and their significance; integrate them into a final statement. How to Start a Synthesis Essay Establish the way you want to argue and integrate it into your thesis. Familiarize yourself with the sources. Be it in a prompt or an assignment, a lot of the analysis comes from the sources you use through the supporting arguments and the thesis. An organizational plan accounts for reliable resource implementation. That means you should try to arrange more than just one source per point. Some may agree and disagree on the same topic. Your evaluation will decide which one has better logic and credibility. After evaluation, fuse it with your interpretation and establish the relationship between each one. The writer drives the argument, not the sources. Document every source as you go because you will need that for your citation page (refer to essay formatting). Arrange the most critical evidence last (preferably). Include a general progression where a problem is established and then solutions are offered. How to Format a Synthesis Essay (MLA / APA) For a thorough explanation of proper formatting, click here. Here are the most important things you need to know about formatting your essay. MLA Font Times New Roman, 12pt Spacing Double spaced everywhere. No extra spaces between paragraphs Margins 1-inch margins on all sides Title/Header Titles are centered The top left includes your full name, instructor’s name, course number and the date (dd/mm/yyyy) The header must include last name and page number Works Cited Easybib is an excellent citation tool for the proper formatting of external sources. Read our guidelines on How to Reference your Essay. Tense Use the present tense APA Font Times New Roman, 12pt Spacing Double spaced everywhere No extra spaces Margins 1-inch margins Title / Header Titles should be centered The header includes shortened title of your essay (under 50 characters) to the top left and a page number in the top right References The equivalent of MLA’s works cited but structured differently. Tense Use past tense. AP Synthesis Essay This type of assignment is frequently used in the AP English Language and Composition class, which as you have probably noticed, is quite scrupulous. It requires a student to showcase a deeper understanding of the subject matter through analytical reading and writing. Being able to mold language into one’s favor is a critical skill within college application and everything after it. When writing, try to focus on the main branches of the course: argument, synthesis and rhetorical analysis. (The following is based on the course rubric) Argument – Create a claim and find concrete supporting evidence. Attempt to convince the reader that you are right. Synthesis – This is something we have been over. To synthesize means to collide multiple perspectives and then identify an agreement and a disagreement between sources. When multiple perspectives collide, your own begins to form. Rhetorical Analysis – This is based mostly on the author and his intentions. To apply this method means to ask questions that investigate the author’s motive: Purpose, intended audience, audience appeal, and structure. Synthesis Essay Rubric The rubric will apply to the example of minimum wage mentioned prior. 9. Exceptional A 9 is tough to achieve because it fits all of the criteria that an eight would, but advances in the level of sophistication of presenting a compelling argument or exceptionally good language usage. 8. Effective Essays earning a score of 8 effectively take a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim, for example, that of minimum wage decreasing the competitiveness of the job market. They support their position by effectively synthesizing and by employing all of their sources (at least three). The writer’s argument is convincing, and the cited sources effectively support the writer’s position. The written piece showcases an ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing. 7. Essays earning a score of 7 fit the description of essays that are scored a six but are distinguished by more complete or more purposeful argumentation and synthesis of cited sources, or a more mature approach to the style of the prose. 6. Sufficient Essays earning a score of 6 adequately take a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim that minimum wage decreases the competitiveness of the job market. They adequately synthesize and cite at least three of the sources. The writer’s argument is convincing, and the cited sources support the writer’s position, but the argument is less developed or just does not hold up to the level of the arguments of essays earning higher scores. The style of writing is clear but may lack in its diction or syntax. 5. Essays earning a score of 5 take a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim that minimum wage decreases the competitiveness of the job market. They support their position by synthesizing and citing at least three sources, but the downside is that the use of cited sources is limited, inconsistent, or represented in an unclear manner. The writer’s argument is clear, and the sources support the writer’s position, but the established relationship between the sources and the argument is not somewhat fragile. The writing may lack on the front of diction or syntax, but it adequately conveys their idea and stance. 4. Weak Essays earning a score of 4 do not tolerably take a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim that minimum wage decreases the competitiveness of the job market. They attempt to present an argument and support their position by synthesizing and citing at least two sources but in the process may misunderstand, misrepresent, or oversimplify either their argument or the cited sources that they include. The connection between the case and the used (and cited) sources is weak. 3. Essays earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for that of a four but show a lower level of understanding of the cited sources, less success in developing and expanding their position, or less control of writing. 2. Unsuccessful Essays earning a score of 2 demonstrate a limited ability in taking a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim that minimum wage decreases the competitiveness of the job market. They may simply allude to the knowledge that was extracted from the sources rather than citing the sources themselves. The work shows that the writer misreads the sources, fails to present an argument, or substitutes a rooted formulation of an argument for a very obvious or straightforward answer and summary of the sources. The prose of essays scored a two often demonstrates consistent weaknesses in writing, such as a lack of development or organization, significant grammatical issues, or a lack of control over the applied elements. 1. Those earning a score of 1 meet the criteria for the score of two but are notably simplistic or weak in their control of writing or do not use or cite a single source. Source: AP English Language and Composition Sample Scoring Guidelines for the Synthesis Essay Need Help Writing Your Synthesis Essay? Struggling with your Synthesis paper? Our experienced team of essay writers provides one of the best services on the market, from proofreading to custom essay writing. This paper writing service provides our customers with the best essay help they can get.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Makayla Fails Essays - Racism, Americas, Free Essays, Term Papers

Makayla Fails Essays - Racism, Americas, Free Essays, Term Papers Makayla Fails Dr. Carr Intro to African American Studies February 2, 2017 How Do We Undertake the Study of African Experiences? Abstract: So what does this big question mean? "How do we undertake the study of African Experiences?" What we basically have here is a simple question asking, "Where do we start when learning about African experiences?" Where we start is one of the most important factors of this subject. Dr. John Henrik Clarke once said, "If you start your history with slavery, everything since then looks like progress (Lecture)," and that is exactly what I believe most of us in this world have done. We all think that just because we aren't considered "slaves" anymore, and that we are now "free", this means that our lives and the condition of our lives have gotten better, but that is not completely the case. I think visually, the world may have gotten slightly better, but that is about it. By this I mean that we do not always visually see how blacks are treated. The thoughts that go through the minds of white people could very well be the same as they were back in the 1700s, and some of them still openly expr ess these thoughts. The only difference now is, there are laws and regulations that "all" Americans are "supposed" to follow, which does not allow for every one of their thoughts to be made publicly acceptable. So now we ask again, "Where do we start?" We need not to start before slavery, but right when slavery started. We need to look at all that was experienced at that time in order to really understand the entire process that Africans went through. We need to understand what really happened. Critical Review of Scholarship: We have reviewed a number or readings for this first framing question, one of them being, Something Torn and New by Ngugi Wa Thiong'o. This book talks about how the main goal of Europeans was to overpower the African culture by imprinting their culture and ways of living into the souls of the Africans. When discussing this book in class, we basically came up with the conclusion that the Europeans took everything away from the Africans. So not only did they take their freedom, they took their languages, their memories, and their culture. So when I say the Europeans wanted to "overpower" the African culture, they wanted to completely wipe it out as if it never existed. This book helps you to realize how much the Africans value their language, memories, culture, and their identity as a whole. The next reading that I will be using to answer the first framing question is, What Black Studies is Not: Moving from Crisis to Liberation in Africana Intellectual Work by Greg Carr. Overall, this reading helps to teach us that what most of us think would fall under the category of African American Studies are wrong. It helps eliminate the things in which people believe Africana studies to be, allowing room for new knowledge and a deeper understanding of the topic. These things help individuals to begin to grasp the African experience as a whole, not just the things society wants to showcase which goes along with the "progression" we "seem" to see in America. Lastly, I will be using content mentioned during lecture to help further answer this first framing question. Discussion: Within this discussion, I will be using the six conceptual categories to further help explain my answer to the question, "How do we undertake the study of African Experiences. The first conceptual category is Social Structure, which helps to understand how the citizens were organized. I am not sure if there is a specific name for the social structure that existed during slavery, so I am going to explain how I visualize it the best can. I feel like most social structures can be explained through the separation of a pyramid, therefore I will explain accordingly. I can see the pyramid only being separated with 4 parts. At the bottom of the pyramid, we would have the slaves that worked out in the fields under such harsh conditions. Then on top of them we would have the slaves that were considered to be "the help". Next would be all

Friday, November 22, 2019

Neighborhood Watch Prevention Program Research Paper

Neighborhood Watch Prevention Program - Research Paper Example 105). Neighborhood Watch, subsumed within a broad classification of community crime prevention programs, has historical beginnings in the most primitive and olden crime prevention schemes. Undoubtedly, the prevention of crime has been a preoccupation of civilizations spanning the course of time (Lab, 2004). Although crime prevention has been an invariable concern throughout history, the methods used to prevent crime have differed not only in strategic complexity but also with respect to the staff relegated to perform crime prevention tasks (Lab, 2004; Vago, 2003). For instance, quite notable distinctions among historic crime prevention schemes include the exclusive reliance on the informal social control of primitive kin groups, which had no formal system of jurisprudence, versus the utilization of a semi-formal and/or paid obligatory police force, existing within a more complex legal system (Vago, 2003). Regardless of the strategic complexity, crime prevention schemes of past have r elied to a large extent on a familial (kin) and/or a neighborhood watch-style of policing- a style of policing which is congruent with the basic tenets of Neighborhood Watch and a style of policing which is being hailed as a crucial remedy to resolve neighborhood crime and disorder problems (Lab, 2004). This style of policing however does not absolve formal agents of social control from also being responsible for the prevention of crime (Bowers & Johnson, 2005). Since the 1970s, empirical studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of Neighborhood Watch (Rosenbaum, Lewis, & Grant, 1986; Lindsay & McGillis, 1986). These studies have focused on finding a relationship between Neighborhood Watch and reductions in (1) residential burglary, (2) fear of crime, and (3) victimizations. Other studies have also assessed the relationship between community crime prevention programs, including Neighborhood Watch and collective efficacy; informal social control; and attachment to th e neighborhood (Rosenbaum et al., 1986). Early studies on Neighborhood Watch revealed the most promising findings. For instance, studies conducted in Seattle and Portland showed that the implementation of watch programs led to a significant reduction in self-reported burglary victimizations (Lindsay & McGillis, 1986). Also, program participants in Seattle were found to incorporate elements of Neighborhood Watch into their daily routines (e.g. personal protection behaviors) and incorporate elements of the program to defend their home from being burglarized (Clarke & Newman, 2006). In Portland, program participants were more apt to engage in protection behaviors that benefited them and their neighborhood. Thus, it showed that residents were engaging in personal and collective protection behaviors (Schneider, 1986). In Hartford, Connecticut, a test of Newman's (1972) notions of defensible space and territoriality also revealed promising findings. Two years after the implementation of w atch programs and after the implementation of changes in the neighborhood's traffic flow, residents reported lower burglary and robbery victimizations. The study also showed an increase in resident's ability to exert informal social control- they were more willing to protect their neighborhood from intruders and more likely to interact with their neighbors (Fowler & Mangoine, 1986). Evaluations conducted in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Yorkshire Police Merger Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Yorkshire Police Merger - Case Study Example "Members have looked closely at the two options deemed acceptable by the Home Secretary, a merger with North Yorkshire or the creation of a single regional force. It was felt that either option would have significant disadvantages for the people of West Yorkshire, including an increase in council tax for no apparent benefit. Members were also concerned about a short-term drop in performance and a weakening of accountability and governance structures due to the size of the proposed new force areas. Reports from both the Authority and the Force reflect the feeling that the creation of a single regional force would be particularly bad for West Yorkshire. "The Authority attempted to resolve these concerns with Ministers prior to this meeting but have yet to receive appropriate reassurances. Whilst the Authority fully accepts the need for the policing service to provide an adequate level of protective services to all citizens, it feels there may be other options which would achieve the same outcomes but with fewer penalties for the people of West Yorkshire. The West Yorkshire option is the only one we could agree to support at this stage based on known costs, performance and other criteria. Voluntary agreement for anything else will only be considered at a later date." (West Yorkshire Police Authority, Press Releases, 20th December 2005)West Yorkshire Police Merger 4 On the 12th of July 2006, the Home Office announced that it was revising plans to merge police forces in England and Wales. Police Authorities will be given more time and freedom to come up with plans to improve protective services, without requiring amalgamations this commended by the police minister, Tony McNulty Councillor Mark Burns-Williamson, Chair of West Yorkshire Police Authority, said he was delighted with the announcement. "It is well known that members of the Police Authority were not in favor of the proposed merger with the other three forces in the region. Our

Monday, November 18, 2019

Teaching Of Primary Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Teaching Of Primary Science - Essay Example It also provides examples of schools that have experimented context-based teaching in science in classrooms, and a curricular example that teachers can modify to increase student understanding of any curricular area. Finally, it provides online resources and a podcast that provide teachers with additional ideas for making their lessons more interesting and engaging, empowering, and enlightening classrooms. There have been many studies that indicate context-based approach is essential in order for student learning to take place. Research reveals that teaching Strategies are necessary in schools for teachers to effectively increase student achievement. The focus of this research study is to examine effects of context-based approaches in teaching science in Classroom. The review of literature will look at several factors related to teaching strategies. Those factors include the Traditional view of teaching science, problematic questions that arise in this research, importance of context-based teaching, in classroom. ... Context-based approaches to teaching science in primary school have become widely used over the past two decades. They aspire to foster more positive attitudes to science while, at the same time, provide a sound basis of scientific understanding for further study. One of the most distinct trends of the last two decades in science curriculum development across a number of countries has been to use contexts and applications of science as a means of developing scientific understanding. Teaching in this way is often described as adopting a context-based approach. The trend toward the use of context-based approaches is apparent across the whole age spectrum from primary through to university level, but is most noticeable in materials developed for use in the secondary age range. Traditional Teaching Style of Science Over the last two decades reports have traced students' increasingly negative attitudes to Science in Australia over the primary years of schooling, and the associated decrease in student participation in post-compulsory science (Goodrum, Hackling, & Rennie, 2001; Tytler, 2007). This decline in interest in Science in the early years of primary education is of particular concern, since it is in these years that attitudes to the pursuit of science subjects and careers are formed (Speering & Rennie, 1996). A number of studies have explicitly linked this decline in student interest with the nature of the traditional science curriculum and its inability to make science meaningful and interesting to students (Fensham, 2004; Lyons, 2006). By making Science more relevant to a broader audience we can prepare prospective science degree students and professionals, as well as

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Negative correlation Essay Example for Free

Negative correlation Essay However, the weakness of this negative correlation raises the notion that the results have no correlation at all. To investigate this possibility I will first try to find how just how weak this negative correlation is. As you can see from graph 2 the different result values for each temperature vary quite a lot from the average. This undermines the accuracy of the results, as the greater the range of the results from the average the less likely the results and therefore the average is accurate. The range of the different results for each temperatures and the standard deviation from the mean can indicate how accurate the results are. This is because, as I have explained earlier the range and the deviation of the results from the mean determines how accurate the results are. Graphs 3 and 4 show how the standard deviation and the range of the results change over the temperature range used in the experiment. In graph 3 the range was calculated by subtracting the lowest value from the highest, and in graph 4 the standard deviation was calculated using the formula; ? ((? (x -? x)/n) (where x = the values and n = the number of values). Graph 3 and 4 show that in general the accuracy of the result increases with an increase in the temperature, and that at low temperatures the results are not very accurate at all. I can conclude this as, the bigger the standard deviation or range the less accurate the results are. In both graphs 3 and 4 the general pattern shows high range and high standard deviation at low temperature (high inaccuracy) and low range and low standard deviation at high temperatures (low inaccuracy). This therefore contradicts my earlier theory that the inaccuracy would increase with an increase in the temperature, however it must be taken into account that the results are very inaccurate already. Because of this inaccuracy the results may have had a certain random element in them, evidence for this is in the fact that the results are very inaccurate (they have a large range and a large standard deviation), and that the inaccuracy varies a lot from its trend line (see graphs 3 and 4). So in conclusion, I think that the results of this experiment were not accurate at all and not accurate enough to draw any sound conclusions that are backed with scientific theory/knowledge. In fact I think there was a certain random element in the results that contributed to the inaccuracy of the results. Because of the inaccuracy of the results, I feel that it is not a good idea to use these results as a basis for any conclusions, especially as these conclusions cannot be backed up by any scientific knowledge. Therefore with only the results I have at this moment, I have to conclude that the resistance is directly proportional to the temperature. I can conclude this because I have decided to use scientific knowledge as a basis for the answer to this correlation. I have done this because the results I have are too inaccurate to use for making any judgements on this correlation. Evaluation: So far I do not think this investigation has gone very well because of the very inaccurate results, however with the large amount of scientific knowledge I have been able to come to a conclusion to this investigation that has a lot of backing. My prediction was of corse correct. The reason to this inaccuracy in the results is, in my opinion due to the large amount of contacts and wiring used in this method. Some components react to temperature by changing the resistance in different ways, most components react in a directly proportional linear way, but some components like a filament lamp or diode react in a directly proportional but logarithmic way and/or only at certain voltages. It is quite likely that in the multi-meters there were some of these components that react in a logarithmic way and at certain voltages. This means that the current flowing through the circuit would be affected out of proportion by these components, therefore affecting the resistance. Although the affect of these components would have been neutralised if one multi-meter were used, it might not be neutralised if two multi-meters were used as they were in this method. The large amount of wire used in this experiment has meant the current could have been easily affected by other variables that I did not take into account, like a change in the room temperature, or if I accidentally spilt some water onto the wires. Also like the different depths used in the water bath, or a magnetic flux from the high voltage used in the kettle. Due to the large amount of outside variables that can affect the large amounts of wire used, I have to conclude that the large amounts of wire used in this method was the main cause of the inaccuracy of its results. I cannot estimate how accurate my results are because I have no basis on what the true values are, only that the correlation is directly proportional. If I were to repeat this investigation, I would change the method so that less wire was used and only one multi-meter was used, I would also change the method so as to stop any of the variables mentioned in this evaluation affecting the results. If possible I would try and use a more accurate multi-meter in my experiment. A more accurate multi-meter will give me more accurate results; the reduced amount of wire to be used will reduce the effect of outside variables and make the results more reliable. I dont think I need to do any extra research, as I have more than enough scientific backing for any conclusions I will have to make if I repeat this investigation.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

La jurisprudence à ©tait dà ©finie diffà ©remment par les juristes romans qui ont vis pendant la pà ©riode de l’Antiquità © parce que l’à ©tymologie du mot dà ©signe la  « science du droit  » qui comprit le phà ©nomà ¨ne juridique. Ce fait est envisagà © par la dà ©finition que Justinien a inclut dans son Å“uvre là ©gislative :  « Juris prudentia est divanarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, iusti atque injusti scientia  » (La jurisprudence est la connaissance des faits divines et humaines, la science du ce qui est juste et injuste.) Au fil du temps, le droit s’est à ©cartà © de cette explication et a donnà © à   la jurisprudence une signification vraiment diffà ©rente comme l’ensemble des rà ¨gles de droit nà ©es de l’actività © judiciaire. Au mà ªme temps, la nouvelle dà ©finition de la jurisprudence a introduit l’une des principales diffà ©rences entre les grands systà ¨mes de droits. En consà ©quence, d’une parte la famille du droit romano-germanique considà ¨re que  « le juge est la bouche qui dit la loi  », c’est-à  -dire qu’il a seulement la compà ©tence d’interprà ©ter la loi, d’autre parte il y a la famille anglo-saxonne qui est gouvernà ©e par le principe  « judge made law  » (le juge a crà ©Ãƒ © la loi). La raison pour l’existence des limites du pouvoir du juge dans le systà ¨me là ©gislative franà §ais peuvent à ªtre trouves dans le courant illuministe qui a suscità © l’esprit de la Rà ©volution Franà §aise. Ce motif consiste en l’idà ©e que le juge est le reprà ©sentant du roi et de la catà ©gorie noblesse qui ne se prà ©occupe pas de l’internet gà ©nà ©ral, mais de maintenir les privilà ¨ges de l’aristocratie. Telle puissante à ©tait la rà ©volte contre les juges que Robespierre considà ©rait que  «le mot jurisprudence des tribunaux doit à ªtre effacà © de notre langue  ». La Rà ©volution Franà §aise a introduit le principe de su... ...’il devienne parti de l’ordre juridique communautaire. Par consà ©quent, les dà ©cisions rendues par les juridictions europà ©ennes contribuent à   l’à ©laboration de la jurisprudence de droit interne. Cependant, la jurisprudence de la CJCE est substantiellement diffà ©rente de celle qui provient des juridictions nationales parce qu’elles à ©mettent des dà ©cisions qui ont seulement une autorità © relative, c’est-à  -dire qui s’applique pour le cas à   solutionner et entre les parties du procà ¨s en cours. Au contraire, les dà ©cisions de la CJCE s’imposent dans le droit interne ayant une force juridique de loi et donc la jurisprudence de la CJCE devient une source de droit. Par suite de ce fait, il y a le caractà ¨re paradoxal de la jurisprudence : elle est source du droit quand il est le rà ©sultat de l’actività © judiciaire rendue par CJCE, mais non quand il s’agit une juridiction nationale. Essay -- La jurisprudence à ©tait dà ©finie diffà ©remment par les juristes romans qui ont vis pendant la pà ©riode de l’Antiquità © parce que l’à ©tymologie du mot dà ©signe la  « science du droit  » qui comprit le phà ©nomà ¨ne juridique. Ce fait est envisagà © par la dà ©finition que Justinien a inclut dans son Å“uvre là ©gislative :  « Juris prudentia est divanarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, iusti atque injusti scientia  » (La jurisprudence est la connaissance des faits divines et humaines, la science du ce qui est juste et injuste.) Au fil du temps, le droit s’est à ©cartà © de cette explication et a donnà © à   la jurisprudence une signification vraiment diffà ©rente comme l’ensemble des rà ¨gles de droit nà ©es de l’actività © judiciaire. Au mà ªme temps, la nouvelle dà ©finition de la jurisprudence a introduit l’une des principales diffà ©rences entre les grands systà ¨mes de droits. En consà ©quence, d’une parte la famille du droit romano-germanique considà ¨re que  « le juge est la bouche qui dit la loi  », c’est-à  -dire qu’il a seulement la compà ©tence d’interprà ©ter la loi, d’autre parte il y a la famille anglo-saxonne qui est gouvernà ©e par le principe  « judge made law  » (le juge a crà ©Ãƒ © la loi). La raison pour l’existence des limites du pouvoir du juge dans le systà ¨me là ©gislative franà §ais peuvent à ªtre trouves dans le courant illuministe qui a suscità © l’esprit de la Rà ©volution Franà §aise. Ce motif consiste en l’idà ©e que le juge est le reprà ©sentant du roi et de la catà ©gorie noblesse qui ne se prà ©occupe pas de l’internet gà ©nà ©ral, mais de maintenir les privilà ¨ges de l’aristocratie. Telle puissante à ©tait la rà ©volte contre les juges que Robespierre considà ©rait que  «le mot jurisprudence des tribunaux doit à ªtre effacà © de notre langue  ». La Rà ©volution Franà §aise a introduit le principe de su... ...’il devienne parti de l’ordre juridique communautaire. Par consà ©quent, les dà ©cisions rendues par les juridictions europà ©ennes contribuent à   l’à ©laboration de la jurisprudence de droit interne. Cependant, la jurisprudence de la CJCE est substantiellement diffà ©rente de celle qui provient des juridictions nationales parce qu’elles à ©mettent des dà ©cisions qui ont seulement une autorità © relative, c’est-à  -dire qui s’applique pour le cas à   solutionner et entre les parties du procà ¨s en cours. Au contraire, les dà ©cisions de la CJCE s’imposent dans le droit interne ayant une force juridique de loi et donc la jurisprudence de la CJCE devient une source de droit. Par suite de ce fait, il y a le caractà ¨re paradoxal de la jurisprudence : elle est source du droit quand il est le rà ©sultat de l’actività © judiciaire rendue par CJCE, mais non quand il s’agit une juridiction nationale.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How Women are portrayed in Death of a Salesman Essay

Linda Lowman is a woman who seemed to be taken for granted in the Lowman household but that did not mean she was powerless. â€Å"The Great Depression reinforced female domesticity†, which was clearly shown in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller through Linda (Koenig 1). In the time period that this play took place women did not know any other life than to stay at home and tend to their families. This being the case, Linda took care of the home but was not at all powerless because she dealt with all of Willy’s problems and held the family together. Miller portrays Linda as a woman who is submissive to her husband, which exemplifies that he is an anti feminist. The ‘other woman’ in the play is also negatively portrayed as a stereotypical bimbo. Throughout the play, Miller depicts Linda as powerless and highly dependent on Willy but by digging deeper into her actions, one can see is the backbone to the family. â€Å"†¦bore the cross of reality for them all, supporting her husband, keeping up her calm, enthusiastic smile†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bigsby viii). Linda is portrayed by Miller as a very weak individual mainly by how Willy speaks to her. In one particular example Willy loses his temper at Linda and says, â€Å"Shut up!†¦shut up!†¦there’s nothing wrong with him!’, which leaves Linda in tears (Miller 27). The abuse that Willy exerts on Linda is not to be taken as a representation of how he actually views women. But rather, Miller makes statements which show how highly he thinks of Linda such as: â€Å"Linda is tough. She is a fighter. Willy is prone to bully her, cut off her sentences†¦this is a woman who has sustained the family when Willy has allowed fantasy to replace truth, who has lived with the knowledge of his suicidal intent, who sees through her sons’ bluster and demands their support† (Bigsby xix). The description that Miller just gave of Linda exemplifies her as a very independent, strong, loving woman who will do  anything to keep her family together. Although Miller depicts Linda as a strong woman in the play; the movie, shows otherwise. During the movie it seems that Willy is not only emotionally, but physically abusive to Linda. This may be the reason that Linda is so loyal to Willy; out of fear instead of love (Schlondorf). By Linda staying with Willy even throughout physical abuse is showing that Miller feels as though women aren’t independent or strong enough to leave their husbands and the men receive a sense of empowerment through dominion over women, â€Å"The woman makes him feel he is an important salesman and powerful man† (Ribkoff 123). This negative connotation towards women shows that Miller is an anti feminist. Aside from Linda Lowman, another woman in the play is depicted in a negative, stereotypical way. Towards the end of the play we discover that Willy has been cheating on Linda with the ‘other woman’. Stereotypically, the ‘other woman’ is considered a whore and usually dumb or ditzy. The woman laughing gaily constantly represents the idea that she is considered to be dumb, for example: [The WOMAN enters, laughing†¦] Willy: â€Å"Will you stop laughing? Will you?† (Miller 91). The movie shows this woman as a young, blonde, attractive woman who seems very ditzy and carefree. This portrayal of the woman is very stereotypical of ‘bimbos’ and women who would sleep with a married man. Miller is creating a picture of this woman through the play and movie, which is quite negative towards women. The way he views women is clear; stupid, dependent, and promiscuous, although at times he seems to depict the women in the play as strong individuals. It is surprising that Willy engages in this verbal abuse towards Linda in the company of others. On many occasions Biff and Happy have been present to hear Willy put down and yell at their mother. After repeatedly being told to stop by Biff it seems Willy will eventually give in and the attacks will subside. Out of the two brothers Biff is the only one who says anything to Willy and stands up for his mother. When Wily finds out that Biff is going to try and start a business he is overjoyed until Linda chimes in as well and tries to put in her two sense. â€Å"Don’t yell at her, Pop, will ya?†¦I don’t like you yelling at her all the time, and I’m tellin’ you, that’s all. Stop yelling at her!† is an example of how Biff stands up for Linda and is  bothered by how she is treated. Biff can differentiate between what his father thinks is the right thing to do, and what is actually the right thing to do. He knows he isn’t perfect, but he admits to his mistakes and learns form then, unlike his father, Willy, â€Å"But unlike his father, he faces, and learns from his shame† (Ribkoff 124). When Miller adds parts where men stand up for women it in unclear how he feels about feminism. From this example of Biff standing up for Linda it seems he is pro feminist but on the other hand, the way he describes the women in the play makes one think otherwise. Happy on the other hand does not say anything throughout this argument or others like it. Even though Willy yells at Linda quite often she does not defend herself. Maybe the reason she is not fighting back when being verbally abused is not because she is a doormat but because she is so exhausted from caring for everything else. This is an example of how Linda can be seen as powerless. In the introduction Rhoda Koenig describes Linda Lowman as â€Å"a dumb and useful doormat† and does not stand up for herself (Bigsby xix). Linda has a lot on her plate between her husband losing touch with reality, her son’s not having solid jobs and the lack of money in their household. She deals with all these tough situations very well and does not even put up a fight when she is yelled at by her husband. Linda manages to stay collected for the most part even though she holds very heavy burdens. She decides to release one of her burdens on Biff when she tells him about his father: â€Å"He’s been trying to kill himself†¦the insurance inspector came†¦all those [car] accidents in the last year weren’t accidents†¦I went down to the cellar. And behind the fuse box- it just happened to fall out- was a length of rubber pipe- just short. And sure enough, on the bottom of the water heater there’s a new little nipple on the gas pipe† (Miller 43). Knowing your husband has plans or had plans to kill himself can obviously take a large toll on someone but Linda keeps it together. She has so much love for Willy that she puts up with everything that is going on. She tells him he can be the best and tells him she believes in him, whether she  believes it or not. Aside from her husband, Linda has to deal with Biff not having a job and Willy and Biff arguing all the time. Biff does not want to become a salesman because he would rather be outdoors and this causes a lot of conflict between him and his father. Although he was not getting as many perks as he would being a salesman he was still doing what he loved. â€Å"To suffer fifty weeks of the year for the sake of a two-week vacation, when all you really desire is to be outdoors, with your shirt off† (Miller 11). Willy cannot understand why Biff would not want to be a salesman and resents the fact that he has not been very successful. Laundry, mending stockings, worrying about bills, and groceries are a few of the things Linda Lowman does on a daily basis. These tasks are assumed to be the role of a housewife, which is another example of how Miller sees women. It is clear that in the Lowman household, Linda is responsible for all the household responsibilities, which at that time became quite common: â€Å"As men’s share in domestic activity began to disappear, housework truly became ‘women’s work'† (Leonard 307). Willy Lowman does go out and work throughout the day, but barely, while Linda is taking care of many responsibilities. It is clear that Miller feels the woman should be staying at home and taking care of the entire house as well as tending to her husband’s needs. Linda is always trying to please Willy by saying things like; â€Å"I’ll make you a sandwich†¦the cheese is on the middle shelf!† and making sure he is completely satisfied. During the play, Linda always seems to be mending stockings, which is also stereotypical behavior of a housewife. Willy gets very angry when he sees her mending stockings because he feels so guilty about the ‘other woman’. When him and the woman have their encounters he always seems to give her a pair of stockings, â€Å"†¦and thanks for the stockings†, which has occurred twice in the play (Miller 26). Willy goes off to work and Linda takes care of the house, worries about the money and makes sure she is completely devoted to Willy when he gets home. Miller seems to have a traditional view when dealing with the roles of women and men in the family. It seems like Miller is a closet pro feminist from time to time throughout the play. Although most of his portrayals of women are negative and very  stereotypical, there are certain instances where he leans in the opposite direction. For example, when Biff stood up for Linda as Willy was yelling at her; that showed that Miller felt Linda should have been stood up for. The negative connotations towards women in this book do not equate to the pro feminism examples throughout the book. It is tough to evaluate how Miller really feels about women and their place in the household, workplace and their general personalities. Works Cited Bigsby, Christopher. â€Å"Introduction†. New York: Penguin Group, 1998 Koenig, Rhoda. â€Å"Seduced by Salesman’s Patter†. The Sunday Times. London, October 26, 1996, 10.4. Leonard, Eileen B. â€Å"Household Labor and Technology in a Consumer Culture†. Composing Gender. Boston: Bedford, 2009. Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. New York: Penguin Group, 1976 Schlondorf, Volker, dir. Dofas. Perf. Dustin Hoffman, Kate Reid, John Malkovich. VHS. Lorimar Home Video, 1986.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Corporate Governance and Heart Kids

BSBINM401A- Assessment 9Brandon Finn Task 1: Standard 1; Customer Feedback Form Standard 2; Lockable filing cabinet/ records Standard 3; Customer Satisfaction Survey/History Standard 4; As above Standard 5; As above Standard 6; As above I didn’t find this question to be very clear. Task 2: Home Address; Yes, we will require this to work out the cost of living for the customer’s location. Age; Yes, we would require this to decide their stage of life. What their priorities are re; Superannuation, first home. Marital Status; Yes, we would use this as they might have a second income we should know about.Number of Children; Yes, We need to know the number of dependants as their cost of living be much higher than a single person. Occupation; No, not necessarily important as to wage. Level of Education; as above. Wage; Yes, we need to know the income coming in to work out what the client can afford to have coming out. Task 3: i. a. www. heartkidsvic. org. au b. The purpose is to create awareness of heart conditions in children, and to provide useful information and avenues of support for families of heart children. c. Families affected by child heart defects. . You can call or email them for further information or read the about us section on their website. e. The site is by Still Moving Design for Heart Kids Victoria. ii. Heart Kids Victoria Report; Heart Kids Victoria is a non for profit organisation aimed at supporting children and families of children with heart defects. The website www. heartkidsvic. org. au is very informative, with support options for families and stories on many beautiful children who unfortunately have suffered with some type of heart disease in their youth.There are some great stories of triumph and some very heartbreaking stories also. The target audience is families, but also gives options to anybody that would like to lend a helping hand, be it financial or volunteering, there is links to find out how. The website by Still M oving Design has a great layout and is very easy to find your way around. The site is very informative, easy to use and will melt your heart. Great cause! Task 4: a. The positive aspects are all information is recorded and then can be used for training and to improve current practices. . The negative aspects are that the information is being double handled therefore reducing the efficiency of all staff. c. To improve the currnet process you could design a computer based system in which staff input the information directly to. This would mean there is no double handling of information and would create greater efficiency for the company. Task 5: a. I would consult the IT staff for their advice as to the best system available for our needs.I would also consult with staff as to their thoughts/input on the idea. b. The costs would involve the IT staff time in implementing the new system. There would also be cost involved in purchasing the program itself. Also the costs involved in traini ng the staff. c. To get approval for the idea I would get all staff to vote as to whether or not they agree with the idea. I would then take it to a board meeting where the board would then vote in approval or against the idea with all costs and information available to them, d.To prepare staff I would call a meeting and organise a workshop for our IT staff to show all staff how to use the program efficiently and effectively. I would also provide any one on one training required to any individual staff member that may be having difficulties after the workshop. Task 6: a. Finance Manager and Chief Financial Officer b. Learning & Development Manager and Technical Operations Manager c. Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors d. Project Manager and Chief Technology Officer Task 7: Office 2010 Report to follow

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Europen Imperialism essays

Europen Imperialism essays In order to explain the differences between the maritime kingdoms of Europe and the land based empires of Eurasia we have to understand the similarities first. What these two groups had in common was that they were both looking to expand their nations. This is where the differences come in as well. While the land based empires, Ottoman, Safuid, Mughal, Russian, and the Chinese were spreading their control in all directions over land, the smaller European kingdoms of France, England, Holland, Spain and Portugal had no where to expand except out to sea. The reason that the kingdoms could only expand into the sea was simply because of population size. The Chinese empire alone had over 200 million people under its control. All together Holland, France, England, Spain, and Portugal, hardly had 100 million people under rule. Even if their total population was close to the Chinese, there was five kings who would have to share in the decision making process, whereas the Chinese had one emperor who made choices. It would be very hard for the five European kingdoms to band together and try to take on any of the western empires. So the only choice that was left for them was to compete with each other and expand into the sea. Now between 1500 and 1750 European overseas colonization grew tremendously because there were five nations competing with one another. There was such a rush for the expansion of each nation because they each thought if we dont get that land one of our enemies will. The reason the land was seen as valuable was because more land meant more available farm land and more places to gather natural resources. The more natural resources they could gather the more money they had. The more money they had the more they could spend on oversea adventures which would eventually yield more land and more resources which again lead to more money. The kings needed money because each nation was at war with one another. The kin...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Problem solving and quality improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Problem solving and quality improvement - Essay Example Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, commonly referred as FMEA in short, is a systematic approach to risk management throughout the product lifecycle. Primarily, this technique is used for material failures; however, various other defects like human factor and software can also be analyzed. In turn, results obtained from FMEA has broader impact on different aspects of product life cycle including suppliers, design, manufacturing, after sales services and intended service. This technique has mandatory been applied in aeronautics and automotive as encouraged by various standards. The aim of this project report is to analyze the reasons for series of complete failures on high performing braking systems developed for rally cars by STOP IT Limited, specializing in brake system manufacturing for motorsport industry. In this report, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis has systematically been used to identify the reasons for failures and recommend way forward. During the analysis, a detailed proje ct plan was developed including the guidelines for establishing severity and probabilities of the occurrence and detection. Detailed system for the motorsports braking system was studied to precisely identify these factors. Finally, a comprehensive FMEA was conducted, which revealed problems with contamination in the braking fluid and ovality and clearances with the wheel piston. As corrective action, it was recommended to define period spectrometric analysis of the braking fluid and reduce periodic frequency of the fluid change. In addition, it was recommended to check the ovality and clearances of the p[piston prior assembly and installation. Table of Contents 1.Introduction 1 2.Project Plan 1 2.1 Steps for Planning the FMEA 1 2.2 Project Management Plan 2 3.FMEA analysis on Product 2 3.1 Types of FMEA for Automotive 3 3.2 Project Scope 3 3.4 Project Team 3 3.5 Plan Resources and Time Requirements 4 3.6 Data Collection 6 3.7 Description of the System 6 3.8 Identification of possib le failures, consequences and causes 7 3.9 Hazard assessment (Risk Analysis) 1 3.10 Assign Severity 1 3.11 Identification of Inverted Delta 2 3.12 Determine probability of Occurrence 2 3.13 Identification of Current Controls

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Renewable Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Renewable Energy - Essay Example le published in How to Power the World, â€Å"the waste products of nuclear power contain â€Å"high levels of radioactive (materials which) is very dangerous. It lasts for tens of thousands of years before decaying to safe levels. It is highly radioactive and is probably the biggest hurdle we face if nuclear power is going to be taken seriously† (How to Power the World 2010). Nuclear energy has great potentials to augment sources of energy in the future. It use, however, should be further evaluated in terms its long term effect to the environment and the risks it poses to the existence of mankind. Another article entitled An Ocean Breeze: Mapping Brazil’s Offshore Wind Power Potential written by Riebeek (2009) proffered his experience on â€Å"assessing the feasibility of an offshore wind farm southeast of Brazil† (Riebeek, 2009, par. 1). His project entailed measuring wind speeds using Nasa’s QuikScat. The limitations of using this approach coupled with other challenges including the number of turbines that must be built in their projected location showed that although this source of renewable energy is viable in Brazil, there are other factors that need to be seriously evaluated prior to its implementation. The high investment cost proved to be a barrier for implementation as private or public organizations need to examine if the returns on investment would justify the initial funds needed to support and sustain this energy source. among all of its potential applications, hydrogens only waste or byproduct is H 2 O pure water, hydrogen fueled combustion engines actually clean the air they pass through (Alternative Energy, n.d., par. 3) it is costly to produce, dangerous to store, difficult to transport, tricky to distribute and its volumetric energy intensity is much lower than that of other liquid fuels like ethanol or gasoline. Safety would be another problem and it would be an enormous job, and would take many years, to accomplish the logistics and